Health – batchnutrition Sat, 25 Feb 2023 05:59:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health – batchnutrition 32 32 The 9 Best Essential Oils for Sleep (Say Goodbye To Insomnia And Sleeplessness). Fri, 24 Feb 2023 05:38:59 +0000 These calming essential oils can help you to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed. They not only calm your nerves but also act as mild (and natural!) sedation to help you get the rest you need.

You’ve likely experienced it yourself. Insufficient sleep can drastically affect your mood and ability to focus. It can also impact your overall health. An estimated 50-70million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and sleep deprivation. This is a serious problem!

Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, cognitive problems and increased risk of stroke, diabetes, cancer, and other serious illnesses. It also causes an increase in the risk of injury and suppresses your immune system. You will also be more dependent on caffeine-containing beverages and foods, making it more difficult to fall asleep the next night.

The Problem with Sleeping Drugs

People often turn to prescription sleep aids like benzodiazepines to ease their anxiety. Hypnotic drugs, also known as sleeping pills, have been linked to a 35% rise in the incidence of cancer ( 1). This, along with the fact that people who take hypnotics are 4 times more likely to die than those who don’t ( 2), makes natural options a better choice.

Sleeping pills can also be addictive and interact with neurotransmitters such as GABA. One of my neuroscience professors stated that it was dangerous to interfer with brain chemistry (like prescription drugs). And I completely agree.

You are more likely to become addicted, tolerate, or have withdrawal symptoms after several months of taking sleeping pills such as benzodiazepines. This makes quitting sleeping pills (literally and metaphorically) a huge pain in the stomach.

What can essential oils do for you?

The physiology and functions of essential oils can be influenced in many different ways. Essential oils can be used on the skin or inhaled to help insomniacs.

A study by Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that more than 90% of subjects who were treated with aromatherapy for 13 weeks said they would continue using the blend which included bergamot and lavender, sandalwood and frankincense ( 3).

Another study showed that lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Neroli significantly reduced anxiety and improved sleep quality when compared with conventional nursing intervention ( 4).

Other oils like angelica, sweet oranges, lemon, sweet ylang and valerian have been shown to be extremely effective in relieving insomnia ( 5).

Essential oils for sleeping are so effective, some healthcare facilities even incorporate aromatherapy in their practices to ease anxiety and help patients sleep better ( 6 ). It’s a natural remedy with virtually no side effects.

9 best essential oils for sleeping

These essential oils can be used to help you fall asleep in a dreamland. However, they will not work if you are using them for too long or if there is undue stress in the day. If you are serious about changing your sleeping habits, check out my article on the top 10 essential steps I recommend to improve your sleep.

Keep these oils near your bed if you want to get the best out of your sleep.

1. Lavender

Lavender essential oil This scent has been used for centuries to calm and relax. The British University of Southampton studied the sleep patterns of 10 adults over a week. They found that lavender-scented rooms could improve sleep quality up to 20%. This is because lavender increases slow-wave sleep (the deepest stage of sleep where your heart beat slows down and your muscles relax) ( 7).

2. Incense

incense is one of my favourite essential oils. It has been proven to be helpful for anxiety and depression, calms your mind, and aids with sleep. Researchers used frankincense in “aromatics” to treat cancer patients in 2016. The canes were reported to have improved sleep quality by more than 64% ( 8). It’s not surprising that inhaled canes provide relief from insomnia due to their well-studied antidepressant/anti-anxiety properties.

3. Bergamot

Bergamot This anti-anxiety effect on the brain can help you stop worrying that keep your mind racing at night. Bergamot has been shown to reduce anxiety in animals ( 9). This means that it could work just as well as benzodiazepines used as sleeping pills.

4. Roman chamomile

This essential oil is a great choice for those who have heard about the sleep-enhancing benefits of chamomile tea. Roman chamomile It is known for its sedative and relaxing qualities that can be used to treat insomnia. A 2005 study in Biological and Pharmaceutical BulletinChamomile essential oil exhibits hypnotic activity that is similar to that of benzodiazepines ( 10). A case study found that volunteers felt more relaxed and sleepy after inhaling Roman Chamomile essential oil ( eleven ).

5. Valerian

One of the most well-known benefits of valerian oil is the ability to improve sleep quality and help with insomnia. Research has shown valerian can reduce the time it takes for a person to fall asleep. A double-blind study found that 44% of people who had previously been poor at sleeping reported perfect sleep. However, 89% reported better sleep after taking valerian root ( 12 ). Valerian contains a chemical called Linarin that has a sedative effect. It can increase your brain’s GABA levels which, in turn, allows you to sleep better ( 13 ).

6. Juniper Berry

Just the scent of Juniperberries can reduce stress symptoms. This oil has been used for centuries to treat anxiety. A study looked at the diffusion of essential oils such as rose, sandalwood, orris, in a variety of situations. More than 89 percent of insomniacs found that using essential oils at night was able to lower their sleeping pill dosage. Twelve subjects were able completely to stop taking the drug ( 14).

7. Angelica

angelic In Germany, aa is known as the “oil” of angels. This is due to its ability calm anxiety, restore peaceful memories and promote restful sleep. When diffused in the room before bed, it acts as a great sleep aid.

8. Neroli

neroli It is often overlooked when talking about sleep. A study found that neroli has a calming effect when used with lavender and chamomile ( 15). It can also be used to reduce stress levels and blood pressure, which can lead to restful sleep.

9. Sandalwood

Sandalwood essential oil is a calming and comforting oil that can be used to help you get a good night sleep. This oil has been used for centuries to treat anxiety. The sweet, woody and musk-like scent has a relaxing effect on the nervous systems, which means less racing thoughts and better sleep.

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CBD as Medicine: A Study Shows that 50% of CBD users no longer need pharmaceuticals Thu, 16 Feb 2023 05:24:06 +0000 The largest study on CBD (cannabidiol) revealed that CBD is being used as a medicine by many people. CBD, a powerful form of medical marijuana that doesn’t give you a high, has been growing in popularity, especially for pain relief and mental well-being.

The investigation was carried out by brightfield Y Hi DM and covered more than 2,400 members from the HelloMD medical marijuana community. The analysis was based on the members’ experiences and perceptions of CBD products (both marijuana-derived and hemp-derived).

Results of the CBD study

This survey revealed that 55% were women and that THC-dominant CBD products are preferred by men, contrary to popular belief.

HelloMD’s medical director Dr. Perry Solomon says that CBD is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, joint pain, and depression. 42% of CBD users stated that they had quit using prescription drugs such as Vicodin or Tylenol, or ibuprofen for pain relief, and switched to cannabis.

Solomon stated that there has been an increase in demand for CBD products, especially among women. While we have much to learn about CBD, it is clear that most people who use CBD products today enjoy a tremendous benefit. This could have far-reaching implications.

Surprisingly, 80% of claimed that the products were “very or extremely efficient.” Only 3 percent stated that they didn’t notice any effects.

Bethany Gomez is the Brightfield Group’s director. She said that the study was “exciting because it shows there is potential for a large untapped market for CBD products which could improve the lives many people… More research and education will show that CBD could be an effective alternative to opioids, especially in a time our nation is currently experiencing an opioid crisis.”

90% of those surveyed said that they would purchase CBD-only CBD products from marijuana or buy them again. This is because CBD can provide relaxation and medical relief without any psychoactive effects.

CBD for medicine

CBD oil can be used as medicine to reduce the need for pharmaceuticals. It will also help improve other aspects our health without us realizing. CBD oil can be used to treat joint pain and inflammation. It may also reduce anxiety.

According to the previous study, CBD users also reported that cannabis was used to treat other medical conditions, such as menstrual cramps and skin problems, diabetes, ADHD, stomach problems, IBS, and loss of appetite. ).

CBD oil has been used for anxiety and pain relief. The effects are almost immediate. Although I prefer cannabis-derived CBD, hemp CBD is also beneficial.

Numerous studies have shown that CBD has many healing properties.

Multiple studies have demonstrated that CBD can kill certain types of cancer cells. One study showed that CBD inhibited cell growth in cervical cancer cells and induced cell death ( 1). Another study has shown that CBD can increase tumor cell death in colon and leukemia cell lines ( 2).

CBD’s ability to reduce seizures is one of its most remarkable benefits. This has been a major focus of media attention over the years. A study that used 98% CBD oil (called Epidiolex), found that it reduced seizures by 50% in 39% of the 23 patients who were studied over a 3-month period ( 3). Anecdotal evidence from parents and children with epilepsy shows that CBD oil is effective in reducing seizure frequency.

CBD has also been shown to be effective in treating Fibromyalgia. In a 2011 study, CBD was used to treat fibromyalgia. Participants were divided into two groups: those who received CBD oil and those who did not receive any treatment. The CBD oil group experienced significant pain and symptom reductions, while the non-CBD treatment group did not experience any improvement ( 4 ).

Is CBD legally legal?

The demand for CBD is growing as CBD awareness grows. But what about legalization of CBD? Is CBD legal? It is legal to carry CBD in Canada, but it is not allowed in the United States.

The farm bill was signed by President Trump and hemp has been legalized in the United States for cultivation. However, hemp is not the same as marijuana. Both are part of a cannabis family. The United States is legal to use hemp-derived CBD, but not marijuana-derived CBD. This is unless one of the state has passed laws regarding marijuana.

A map of Quartzrecreational marijuana use (and thus marijuana-derived CBD products), is allowed in Washington, Oregon and California.

Low-THC CBD (also known to as hemp-derived CBD), is allowed in Wyoming, Iowa and Texas.

The map below shows the states that allow medicinal usage.

Image via

Where can I get CBD products

You can find CBD products online from almost any location. It doesn’t matter if you want marijuana-derived or hemp-derived CBD. It all depends on how strong it is. The general rule is that marijuana-derived CBD will be stronger than hemp-derived.

pure botanicals has been a company whose products have I used for the past two-months. They are made from hemp but I find them to be very gentle and efficient. You can find a variety of hemp extract-infused butters and oils. They are all natural and made without harsh chemicals. You can also buy CBD capsules and CBD Menstrual Relief. This is great for those who experience severe cramps.

Nelson Potorium is the only CBD oil that I have used and recommend. However, it cannot be bought online right now due to new laws in Canada.

Please share your experiences with CBD products and let me know in the comments!

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Top 10 Pain-Relieving Essential oils to Stop Inflammation Sun, 22 Jan 2023 05:34:10 +0000 When it comes to pain relief, most people are clear. Most people just take a pill to relieve their pain and move on with their lives. What if pain relief could be safer and more effective? Pain-relieving essential oils are the answer.

The ability of essential oils to relieve pain is a powerful tool for those suffering from chronic or acute pain. How? They quickly penetrate the skin and deliver beneficial nutrients, oxygen (through increased blood circulation), and anti-inflammatory drugs to our most sensitive areas.

Essential oils and pain relief medications can be used in different ways. One may be applied topically or swallowed. But that doesn’t make them better. Do essential oils get into our bodies if we apply them to our skin? Yes! Studies have shown that essential oils and the components of them are rapidly absorbed by skin. They are detectable in plasma following topical application ( 2).

The topical application of essential oils to the skin is a great way to deliver a natural anti-inflammatory agent directly to the area of inflammation.

For what kind of pain might essential oils be useful?

My top 10 essential oils can be used in two ways depending on how severe the pain is.

1. Sharp pain

Acute pain can include burns, sprains, broken bones, and sprained ankles. Apply the oil undiluted (100% strength), to the affected areas. Once the lesion has subsided a little, dilute any essential oils to 20% using a carrier oil (described further below). You can continue to use the diluted essential oils until the sharp pain subsides or the wound heals.

2. Chronic pain

Chronic pain, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases, can be treated with essential oils. Because you will likely be using essential oils for a long period of time, you will always need to dilute them. You can start with a low dilution like 5%, 5 drops of Jojoba oil to 1 drop essential oil, then move up to 10%, 20%, etc.

Essential oils

Essential oils should not be used in excess. Remember that essential oils can be very concentrated. Essential oils that contain high levels can cause allergic reactions or skin sensitivity. You should always check the condition of your skin before you use them. Be aware that essential oils can cause reactions and sensitivity if you have heart disease or take blood pressure medication. Before you start any new treatment, make sure to consult your doctor.

Diluting essential oils with carrier oils such as grapeseed oil or almond kernel oil is one of the best ways to make them safe. You can use a small amount of carrier oil to coat your palm (about 1/2 teaspoon), then add about 3-5 drops of essential oil and mix it together before you apply it.

Make sure that the essential oils you purchase are 100% pure. High quality oils are produced by Eden’s Garden and Mountain Rose Herbs, which I recommend.

Top 10 Essential Oils for Pain Relief

These are the top 10 pain relieving essential oils that will help you with all your aches & pains.

1. Copaiba

Copaiba essential oil is rich in the cannabinoid betacariphylene (BCP). This oil targets CB2 receptors and helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Copaiba oil contains high levels of BCP. Studies have shown that BCP can relieve chronic pain and neuropathy (2). It also reduces muscle spasms, muscle pain, and can be used locally to reduce pain ( 3). My mother also uses copaiba to ease pain. It doesn’t have a strong smell, so it doesn’t irritate skin as much.

2. Rosemary

rosemary essential oils It is very high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-spasmodic qualities. Rosemary is rich in the anti-cancer agent carnosol. It has also been extensively studied for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Studies have provided evidence that carnosol targets multiple dysregulated pathways associated with inflammation and cancer including nuclear factor kappa B, apoptosis-related proteins, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt, androgen and estrogen receptors, as well as molecular targets (4). This makes rosemary an essential oil that is highly effective in pain relief.

3. helichrysum

Helichrysum can be applied topically to relieve pain in the muscles, joints and ligaments. Helichrysum’s hypotensive effect improves blood vessel condition by decreasing inflammation, lowering pressure and increasing smooth muscle function ( 5). Helichrysum oil is also known to reduce muscle pain by reducing inflammation and swelling. It is an effective natural pain relief treatment for arthritis, fibromyalgia and other pain-related conditions.

4. ginger

Many people know about fresh ginger root, powdered ginger and ginger essential oils. Given the major anti-inflammatory effects of ginger root, you can only imagine the concentrated inflammation-fighting properties of ginger in essential oil form. Ginger acts on vanilloid receptors on sensory nerve endings to relieve pain ( 6). Even more studies have shown that ginger extract can be used as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug substitute ( 7). Ginger has low amounts of pain relieving properties which make it ideal for people who are in severe pain.

5. Turmeric

Like ginger, who would have known turmeric essential oils existed? It didn’t exist, at least until I started looking for it. Turmeric is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory herbs. Turmeric is rich in curcumin, an active compound that inhibits interleukin 6 (IL-6), which is an inflammatory cytokine implicated in rheumatoid. 8 Turmeric is also a pain reliever that has been proven to be as effective as, or better than, conventional pain relief drugs like ibuprofen ( 9). Do I need to say more?

6. Incense

Frankincense essential oils are known as “King of Oils” because they have a lot to do with inflammation. Frankincense oil helps relieve acute pain and is great for chronic pain sufferers. Researchers wanted to encourage traditional Omani use of frankincense for muscle and stomach pain. The best pain-inhibiting results were achieved with frankincense oil ( 10). The incense oil smells incredible, so you can both fight pain and still enjoy a pleasant scent.

7. Myrrh

myrrh contains two primary active compounds, terpenoids (eleven) and sesquiterpenes (HTML2_). These have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Myrrh is more effective when combined with frankincense, according to studies. Study that examined the benefits of myrrh and frankincense combined found that inflammation was significantly reduced ( 12).

8. Orange

The benefits of orange essential oil in pain relief have been extensively studied. An european journal for medical research study looked at the antioxidant properties of essential oils. It found that orange essential oil was the most effective ( 13 ). Aside from that, orange essential oil is a pleasant scent to inhale throughout the day. The perfect combination for the morning is citrus aromas that make you more awake and have more energy.

9. Fir

Fir essential oil It is very beneficial for people suffering from joint pain. Monoterpenes are the main ingredients in this oil, giving it its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory therapeutic properties. It has been shown to decongest and deodorize the lungs. It’s great for people with bronchitis or asthma.

10. Holy Stick

A little palo Santo is all you need to reduce the pain of arthritis, injury, chronic back, and neck pain. It is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals called Terpenes. This includes limonene (the naturally occurring kind) and alpha terpineol. Palo Santo is an oil that can be used to fight free radical damage (oxidative stresses), relieve stomach pain, reduce arthritis pain, and act as a natural treatment for cancer.

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How to use Frankincense Oil to Treat Arthritis and Cancer Fri, 20 Jan 2023 05:30:02 +0000 For thousands of years, essential oils have been used to heal. Evidence and history show that Egyptians used essential oils in healing processes as far back as 4500 BC. 1 The Egyptians purchased whole shipments from the Phoenicians of frankincense resin to use in incense and insect repellent as well as perfume and ointments on wounds and sores ( 2).

Some research suggests that frankincense oils may be an effective way to treat some types of cancer. This raises the question: How is frankincense used for cancer treatment?

Frankincense has many other health benefits. It can help to control bleeding, speed up wound healing, improve oral health, fight inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, improve uterine health and even act as an antidepressant.

What’s incense?

Incense is made from the resin of the trees in Boswellia ( Boswellia Sacra, Boswellia carteriiBoswellia frereana or boswellia serata). These trees are found in Oman, Yemen, Somalia, and the Horn of Africa ( 3). Frankincense has been used in Oman since thousands of years. It has been shipped to China, India, and the Mediterranean by ships.

Many love the musky and lemony scent of incense. Because of its healing properties, frankincense has been used in incense for centuries in ancient rituals. The oil’s anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory properties were a prized by priests, rabbis and other healers all over the globe, especially those from the Middle East.

Burning the resin was a traditional way to repel evil spirits or overcome negative energies. Incense is still commonly found in temples and churches today.

Many of the active ingredients in the Boswellia Genus stand out as being the most beneficial. These include terpenes, boswellic acid, powerful anti-inflammatories, and protect our cells ( 5). Different species of Boswellia have different amounts of beneficial active substances.

Boswellia carterii It is high in alphapinene and a variety of monoterpenes that boost the immune system. It is used to treat skin conditions such as sunburns and scarring.

Boswellia Frereanait’s grown at higher elevations which gives it a unique chemical structure. This Boswellia variety is rich in pinene and thujene. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and pain reliever.

Boswellia sacrait has the highest level of alpha-pinene making it an incredible anti-inflammatory. It can be used to relieve pain from arthritis and other joint-related problems.

Boswellia Serrata It has a high level of natural components, such as alpha thujene (alpha-pinene) and limonene. These compounds are part of the monoterpene family, making the Blockingvariety an effective antiseptic, decongestant, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Inflammation is another common cause of cancer. Frankincense’s main anti-inflammatory properties are what make it so effective in fighting cancer.

Frankincense essential oils and cancer

Although research on frankincense’s effects on cancer is still in its infancy, the current results are encouraging. Frankincense does not cause harm to healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy. It also has no severe side effects. It can even kill cancer cells that are resistant to chemotherapy, according to some studies.

In a laboratory experiment, researchers in China examined the anti-cancer effects on five types of tumor cells using myrrh and frankincense oils. Results showed that the combination of myrrh oil and frankincense oils increased the sensitivity of human skin and breast cancer cells ( 6).

Another study by researchers at the University of Leicester found that a chemical in frankincense, known as acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA), has the ability to kill cancer cells (7). It could be used to treat breast, ovarian and prostate cancers, according to the researchers. It was found to be effective in the treatment of late-stage ovarian carcinoma, which is a rare and difficult-to-treat type of cancer. Even resistant cancer cells eventually died after being exposed to AKBA.

Researchers noted that frankincense may be able to overcome drug resistance, and it could increase survival rates for patients with advanced-stage cancer.

Kamla Al-Salmani was the principal investigator of the study.

We have shown that the AKBA compound is effective in killing cancer cells after a year of in vitro testing it with ovarian cancer cell line lines. There are no side effects associated with frankincense. This discovery has great potential to be used in clinical trials and could even be considered as an alternative treatment for ovarian carcinoma.

Extracts from Boswellia gum species resins were also found to have antiproliferative, and proapoptotic properties in human leukemia cell line lines. 9 The resin extract has been clinically shown to reduce peritumoral swelling in patients with glioblastoma ( 10) and reverse multiple brain metastases in a breast cancer patient ( 11).

AKBA, Boswellia resins’ most potent anti-inflammatory compound (mentioned above), has also been shown to have cytostatic effects and apoptotic properties in numerous human cancer cell lines including leukemia cells (13), meningioma (12), hepatoma (14), and melanoma (fifteen) cells.

This studio states that frankincense essential oils “appears distinguish cancerous cells from normal bladder cells, and suppress cancer cell viability.” They also identified multiple pathways that could be activated using frankincense oil in order to induce bladder cancer cell deaths. Researchers believe that Frankincense oil may be an alternative intravesical treatment for bladder cancer. In this instance, intravesical therapy involves injecting a liquid drug (or a suspension of frankincense) directly into the bladder.

In a recent study, oncotarget found that frankincense essential oils has antimelanoma activity for in vitroLiving Models ( 17).

Frankincense essential oils and arthritic pain

We have already seen that frankincense is a powerful agent in reducing inflammation. The 2006 study that was published in medical plants showed several ways that frankincense’s boswellic acid could help to reduce inflammation.

Frankincense is believed to be effective in preventing the destruction of cartilage tissue and relieving arthritis symptoms. Cardiff University scientists have shown that the treatment with a Boswellia Frereana extract inhibits the production key inflammatory molecules that cause the condition ( 18).

Dr. Ahmed Ali is a co-professor in research at Compton Group.

Scientists are focusing their efforts on finding new medications to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis. Our research has led to the discovery of an innovative chemical extraction technique to identify the active principle incense .

This allows us to further analyze the chemical entity and to compare it with other anti-inflammatory drugs that have been used to treat the condition.

Many anecdotal and ancient stories have supported the ability of frankincense to reduce inflammation in people with joint-related conditions like arthritis.

The Best Frankincense Oils and Extracts to Treat Arthritis and Cancer

There are many excellent brands of essential oils, but Eden’s Garden is my favorite. Their oils are high quality and potent. Eden’s Garden offers a variety of Boswellia species so that you can select the one that suits your needs best.

These oils are great for treating inflammation pain and fighting cancers, such as skin cancer. Essential oils should not be consumed. I recommend only using them topically.

Boswellia carterii This is good for treating skin problems (including skin cancer) as well as scarring. It is also good for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
Boswellia fraereana It is good for reducing inflammation, as well as acting as an antibacterial/antispasmodic.
Boswellia Sacra It is also rich in powerful anti-inflammatory agents, making it ideal to treat any condition that causes inflammation (such as arthritis).

Frankincense extracts have higher levels of cancer-fighting boswellic acids (around 40-60% compared to 3% essential oils ( according this article). Frankincense can be taken internally to fight internal cancers. Keep in mind, however, that the above-mentioned studies have shown that frankincense essential oils can be used to treat cancer cells (read that article ).

tree secrets creates an extract of Frankincense that is organic and alcohol-free. It is also vegan-friendly and free of GMOs.

harmonic arts I also make an extract of frankincense, but it’s extracted with alcohol which I try to avoid when making tinctures.

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What is better: Ultrasonic or Nebulizing Diffusers? Wed, 18 Jan 2023 05:26:38 +0000 A diffuser of essential oils is a great investment in your health. This diffuser can make a huge difference in your mood and make your home smell great without harsh chemicals.

There are many essential oil diffusers to choose from. There are ultrasonic diffusers and nebulizing diffusers. And then there are hundreds of companies that produce each one. How can you choose the right one?

Nebulizing diffusers versus ultrasonic diffusers

While diffuser is generally a device that evaporates essential oil and circulates the aroma throughout a room, it’s the write of diffusion abilities that a machine is built with that truly separates them.

nebulizing diffusers

The atomizing molecules are what makes a diffuser nebulizing. A small air pump blows air through small tubes creating a strong vacuum that draws essential oils from the bottom to the top of the tube in fine mist. A nebulizer doesn’t require water to diffuse essential oil molecules into air, unlike an ultrasonic diffuser.

Many nebulizing diffusers have airflow controls that allow you to control how much essential oil is released into the atmosphere.

The pros and cons of nebulizing dispersers

Nebulizing diffusers have the advantage of not needing to use water to dilute oils and make them into mist. Because the oils are more concentrated, nebulizing diffusers can also be used in larger spaces. The diffusers disperse essential oils faster than other diffusers, so they don’t have to be left on as long.

Because they don’t require large tanks, nebulizing diffusers look much better. Some are tiny and others have beautiful hand-blown glass tubes.

A nebulizing diffuser has one downside. They go through essential oils much faster than a cup of water. They are also a little noisier and more costly. The pros outweigh the cons, especially in terms of health.

Ultrasonic diffusers

Ultrasonic diffusers are different from nebulizer diffusers because they use water for the transfer mechanism. Ultrasonic diffusers allow essential oils to sit on top water. Ultrasonic vibrations cause the water molecules to separate, releasing negatively charged particles into air. To purify your home, the negatively charged particles will be mixed with the positively charged harmful particles.

The pros and cons of ultrasonic diffusors

Ultrasonic diffusers can be used to diffuse essential oils throughout your home, without spending a fortune. The ultrasonic diffusers can also be used to humidify the space by acting as humidifiers. Although water can be a problem as it dilutes the oils’ potency, it is ideal for people who don’t like strong scents or for oil that lasts longer. These diffusers require little effort and are easy to clean.

Ultrasonic diffusers can be susceptible to mold growth. This is something that you should consider if your skin is sensitive. Ultrasonic diffusers made of plastic can look cheap and could be a problem for people who are concerned about the appearance of their rooms. Plastic diffusers will eventually break down and produce a faint smell.

Which one is better?

Most people agree that nebulizing diffusers offer the best choice of all diffusers, as they don’t alter the oil’s chemical composition. It separates the mixture from the oil molecules by breaking down the molecules. What is the result? The result?

These diffusers are very effective in filling the air with micro-organisms and aromatherapeutic oils. They are my favorite type of diffuser, and provide the greatest aromatherapeutic benefits for your home and body. They are more expensive but they work better.

Organic Aromas Nebulizing Diffusers

Recently, I had the chance to try a nebulizing diffusor from Organic Aromas. Every diffuser is handcrafted and made with high-quality glass and wood. I received the Radiance Nebulizing Diffuser with a light wooden base.

The diffuser has a built-in touch sensor light, which allows you to switch the LED light on and off by simply brushing your fingertip. You can also control the amount of oil that you diffuse with the “volume” switch.

The diffuser was beautiful and easy to set up when I received it. I was also sent one of their organic essential oils blends. I tried it immediately.

It was very simple. Simply place the hand-blown glass on the wooden base and then drop 20-25 drops the essential oil. Finally, put the glass lid on top. Turn on the machine, and adjust the volume” dial to make it work. The unit will turn off after 120 minutes and has a 2-minute on, 1-minute off duty cycle. You can switch the on/off switch on and off to allow the unit to run for longer than 120 minutes. The diffuser will then start a 2-hour cycle.

The diffuser quickly saturated the air . He was so familiar with using an ultrasonic diffuser that he thought the smell would be less strong. The diffuser can seriously infuse the air with harmful bacteria, which is very beneficial for anyone trying to treat health conditions or simply to get rid of airborne bacteria.

The manual states that the Radiance Nebulizing Diffuser is capable of “serving” rooms up to 80 square metres (or more than 800 square feet) under ideal conditions. This is quite impressive!

After I had finished using the diffuser, it was time to clean it. If you use the diffuser for more than two hours per day, it is recommended that you clean the reservoir of glass once a week. This will ensure your diffuser works as it should.

You simply need to remove the glass lid, then use the dropper provided to add pure alcohol into the microtubules in the blown glass container. After that, you can run the machine for between 5-10 minutes and then pour the alcohol into a sink. Allow it to dry completely and then you are done!

You should also clean the glass diffuser tanks at least once per month with hot water. The manual provides detailed instructions. However, you can just put the glass diffuser tank with the glass lid in hot water for one hour. Super direct!

I recommend this product highly to anyone who is looking for a diffuser that nebulizes. It is clear that the company cares about the product and it shows in the way it looks and performs.

Organic Aroma’s offers a 15% Discount to anyone who purchases one of their products. To receive this exclusive offer, just use the code SHAREME during checkout

Disclaimer: All views and opinions are my own. This particular product review was in no way sponsored or paid for by the manufacturer. However, the manufacturer gave me the product for testing and review purposes.

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The Anti-Viral Fruit: Elderberry Extract has 7 health benefits Sat, 14 Jan 2023 05:21:11 +0000 Elderberry has a long history as a medicinal plant. Hippocrates, Hippocrates’ “father of medicine”, considered it his “medicine kit” because of its ability to cure a wide range of health conditions. Crazy, right? Elderberry-based medicines can even be found in Ancient Egypt.

This powerful antiviral superfruit is rich in antioxidants, which are more than those found in blueberries, lingonberries and goji berries ( 2). This is why so many people flock to this fruit to prevent seasonal flu and other viral illnesses.

The main health benefits of elderberry extract

The health benefits of elderberry extract include natural relief from colds, flu, sinus issues, nerve pain, inflammation and chronic fatigue. Here are some reasons to incorporate this antiviral fruit in your daily routine.

1. Antiviral Compounds in Elderberry

antivirin is the active compound found in elderberry. It’s the antiviral property that makes elderberry so potent. This compound is found within the proteins of black elderberry. It has strong antiviral properties and can stop the flu virus from spreading ( 3).

Elderberry extract can be used within 48 hours of the onset flu symptoms. It has been shown to reduce flu duration and alleviate symptoms on average four days earlier ( 4). The government used elderberry extract to combat the flu during the 1995 Panama flu epidemic.

It even protects against viruses such as the coronavirus. One study found that elder extracts had an inhibitory effect upon the infective bronchitis virus, which is a pathogenic virus caused by chicken coronavirus. ( 5).

2. Elderberry is good for flu and cold symptoms

Elderberry, as mentioned previously, is an effective antiviral powerful enough to eliminate or prevent the flu virus.

The trademark sambucol syrup was used in studies that examined the effects on black elderberry. Sambucol was found to reduce flu symptoms by 3-4 days in a double-blind, placebo controlled study ( 6).

Anthocyanidins are compounds found in elderberries that can boost immune system. An nutrients study in 2016 showed that elderberry supplementation can reduce symptoms and length of colds in travelers ( 7). Elderberry supplementation was shown to reduce cold symptoms in travelers who took it from the time they arrived abroad to 4 to 5 days after their arrival. The average length of their colds was two days shorter for those who took it between 10 and five days before departure.

Black elderberry even has been proven to be effective against bird flu. Sambucol (standardized elderberry extract), was shown to significantly improve influenza B symptoms in more than 93% of those who were treated. Nearly 90% of SAM-treated patients experienced complete cure within two to three days, while the placebo group saw improvement within six days ( 8).

Researchers also randomized patients in a 2009 study to give them four daily doses (175 mg) of elderberry extract. The other received a placebo for two days. The placebo group did not show any improvement, but the extract-treated group had significant improvements in flu symptoms. Researchers concluded that the extract was effective at controlling influenza symptoms ( 9).

The flu virus is immediately immobilized by the unique phytochemicals found in elderberries, according to a latest study. When taken during flu season, they prevent the virus from attaching to or entering our healthy cells.

Even if the flu is already infective, phytochemicals found in elderberry can prevent the virus from reproducing. The flu symptoms disappear within 48 hours.

Researchers made a juice serum from commercially-grown elderberries and applied it to the cells before, during, and after infected by the influenza virus.

The phytochemicals found in elderberry juice not only prevented the virus infecting healthy cells but were also more effective at inhibiting the virus in later stages of the flu cycle, when cells have already been infected.

“This observation was quite remarkable and quite significant because blocking viral cycle at different stages has a greater chance of inhibiting viral infections.” explained Dr Peter Valchev.

The center’s director said, “In addition to this, we discovered that elderberry solution stimulated cells to release certain chemicals that the immune system uses to communicate between different cell types in order to coordinate a more effective response against an invading pathogen.” Professor Fariba deghani, , told ScienceDaily.

3. It can prevent cancer

Black elderberry is a powerful antidote to cancer and AIDS.

The MedicinalFood Magazine published a study comparing the anticancer properties between American and European elderberry fruits. Although both plants have strong antioxidant abilities, the American elderberry is not as widely cultivated or promoted as its European counterpart.

Both berries were tested for their potential anticancer properties. Both extracts had significant chemopreventive properties. Elderberry extract also inhibited the activity of ornithine, which is an enzyme marker linked to the promoting stage in cancer formation ( eleven). This suggests that elderberry could be used to treat cancer naturally.

4. Allergies treated

Due to modern lifestyle and diet, people are more susceptible to allergies and other autoimmune diseases. Black elderberry has been proven to be effective in treating hay fever-like symptoms. Black elderberry is said to improve liver function and detoxification ( 12). Black elderberry’s anti-inflammatory properties can also reduce symptoms associated with allergies and strengthen the immune system.

5. Blood sugar levels can be lowered

This plant’s berry and flower have been traditionally used to treat diabetes. Now, research confirms this. It has been shown that black elderberry stimulates insulin secretion which in turn lowers blood sugar levels. It stimulates glucose metabolism which is often blocked in diabetics.

One study examined the insulin-releasing and insulin-like actions of black elderberry in vitro. Aqueous elderberry extract significantly increased glucose transport, glucose oxygenation, and glycogenesis ( 13). Glycogenesis refers to the process where excess sugar is removed from bloodstream and passed to the liver and muscles. It helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

6. Sinus infections can be treated

Elderberry, an anti-inflammatory plant, is a natural remedy that can be used to relieve sinus pressure and other infections. One study used Sinupret, a proprietary blend that contains elderflowers. Sinupret was used to treat bacterial sinusitis. It also included an antibiotic and decongestant. The combination was more effective than those who didn’t take Sinupret ( 14).

7. Inflammation can be treated

The elderberry leaves and flowers have been used for centuries to reduce pain, swelling, inflammation, and other symptoms ( fifteen). Elderberry’s high level of antioxidants is likely to explain this. These antioxidants naturally combat free radicals, which are a major cause of the inflammatory response.

An experiment in rats showed that elderberry extract reduced inflammation and oxidative tissue destruction ( 16).

As we have seen, elderberry’s anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce nasal congestion and allergies.

Where can I buy elderberry extract

sambucol is the most common elderberry extract. However, I recommend using Nature’s Answer Alcohol-Free Sambucus. It is made with fewer ingredients and has a highly concentrated formula.

There are many brands out there, but Nature’s Answer is mine. I also use their herbal blends and they work well. ).

Follow the directions on the bottle. Children were given 1/2 teaspoon of Sambucol extract 4 times per day, while adults were given 1 tablespoon 4 times per day.

You can consult a local naturopathic doctor if you have any questions about elderberry extract’s health benefits or how to use it to treat certain health conditions.

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A Natural Treatment Plan in 10 Steps for Chronic Lyme Disease Patients Thu, 12 Jan 2023 05:18:13 +0000 Patients seeking treatment for chronic tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease should seek out the best possible plan to speed up their recovery. The treatment may include a combination of antibiotics and natural medicines, or it can be natural medicines only. The treatment of chronic Lyme disease can include immunotherapies, stem cells, magnet therapies, hyperthermia therapy (fever-induction therapy), essential oils, and energy medicine modalities such as Reiki.

Like any chronic medical condition, treatment will differ based on the individual’s constitution, patient philosophy and ability to bear it. It is crucial to use a holistic holistic approach to minimize any complications, such as flare-ups from treatment that causes increased inflammation (the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction), when trying to recover. In the treatment of tick-borne diseases, these outbreaks are more common than you might think. Because it is often a longer process than expected, it is crucial to provide support for the body, mind, and spirit.

Whatever path is chosen, it is important to have a solid foundation in the treatment plan. This will allow the body to recover from any treatment. This is the Foundational Naturopathic Treatment Plan It’s used by most of my adult and adolescent patients being treated for tickborne diseases with or without antibiotics. Children under twelve years old will receive a simplified treatment plan that is based on their ability to swallow medication, taste sensitivity and age. One constant is that probiotics should be used, regardless of antimicrobial treatment.

Individual needs are considered when making changes to address co-infections like babesiosis and ehrlichiosis. Multiple strains of the above infections can make it difficult to confirm with tests. It is essential to have the tools and knowledge to help you in your healing journey. These suggestions are meant to be a guide, but they cannot replace a Lyme-literate medical professional. These guidelines can be used to help you plan your treatment or to give you a starting point.

A 10 Step Natural Treatment Plan to Treat Chronic Lyme Disease

These are only a few of the many options for treatment. These are the most popular and easiest-to-find products on the market.

1. Probiotics

Take a probiotic supplement that contains 200 to 400 billion colony-forming unit (CFUs) and take it at lunchtime or before bed. You can take it with or without food. It is possible to need to take lower or higher doses depending upon the response of your gastrointestinal tract. You should have regular bowel movements each day, and not show any symptoms. It should have a mixture of bacteria to support the heavily populated Lactobacillusand bifidobacteria, as well as beneficial yeast protective support that crowds out non-beneficial yeast microbes like Candida albicans.

2. Saccharomyces boulardii

This is beneficial yeast that your body has accumulated. If you experience gas/bloating, itchy skin or sugar cravings, uncomfortable vaginal discharge, and/or antibodies to yeast in your lab work, this is the best time to take it.

3. Herbal Antimicrobial Formulations

Your individual needs will determine the best formula. It can be either a single or combination of herbs. You can get it in both liquid and capsule forms. Allicin (garlic), lomatium and berberine compounds are common herbal antimicrobials.

4. Detox Support Formula

This is to aid the liver and gastrointestinal system in removing toxins from the body. A combination of herbs is necessary to maintain healthy liver cells and increase bile flow to eliminate toxins. Bitter herbs (dandelion, burdock root, artichoke), Swedish bitters, and glutathione-enhancing nutrients (cysteine, glutamine, and glycine) will usually be part of the formulation. You can also get detox support in the form bentonite clay, activated charcoal or other medications. However, it is important to keep these separate from any other medications, as they can decrease absorption.

5. Adrenal Support

The kind of support that the adrenal glands require depends on whether they need to be calmed or boosted in order to restore their normal function. The most effective herbs are those that enhance the function. These are best taken in the morning. Most commonly used herbs in formulations are holy basil , ashwaghandha and eleutherococcus , cordyceps, and licorice root.

6. Biofilm-destroying herbs

You can use turmeric or garlic as examples, or proteolytic enzymes like serrapeptase and lumbrokinase. It is best to take the medication on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours before you eat, if not, and daily, even if it must be taken with food. This formula is effective in breaking down biofilm, and it also has antimicrobial properties. This allows your immune system and antimicrobials to work more effectively in treating your infection.

7. Combination of anti-inflammatory herbs

Two capsules daily are recommended. Cytokine production, also known as pro-inflammatory signals (cytokines), is what causes us to feel physical symptoms. Natural remedies can help reduce cytokine levels, which is good for the nervous system, the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Some of the best anti-inflammatory herbs include turmeric, black cumin seed oils, malic acid, bromelain and quercetin.

8. Intestinal protective fibers

Intestinal protective fibers like konjac-glucomannan This natural dietary fiber offers protection to the intestinal lining when used in conjunction with antibiotics. It is more supportive of bifidobacteria types (beneficial bacteria), against the use drugs with penicillin or tetracycline.

9. Herbal antifungals

Herbal antifungals combat yeast overgrowth and other non-beneficial fungal infections in the body. Most formulas, including those that contain gentian violet and pau d’arco, garlic, monolaurin and berberine, require a minimum of two to four capsules daily.


With food, consume between 2,000 and 4,000 total EPA/DHA fatty oils per day. It helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood sugar balance, improve neurocognition, and improve neurocognition. Although EPA/DHA can be found in fish oil, it has high levels of heavy metals. Plant-based versions are just as effective as those made from algae.

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Avoid 10 Vitamin Brands + 10 Safe Brands You Can Use Tue, 10 Jan 2023 05:16:02 +0000 Since the 1940s, Americans have taken multivitamin and mineral supplementation. Unfortunately, many major vitamin brands are made by well-known pharmaceutical companies. These companies don’t care about creating the best bioavailable or nutrient-dense product, and instead produce products that are poorly absorbed vitamins. It is important to understand labels so you can avoid certain brands of vitamins.

Let’s look at Centrum vitamins as an example. With new ownership by Pfizer (one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world), Centrum vitamins have become the top-selling multivitamin in America and Canada. Since then, Pfizer has been involved with many scandals, frauds and legal battles.

Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer watchdog group, sued Pfizer for making false claims about Centrum Vitamins in 2012. They had to retract their misleading multivitamin claims about breast and colon health as well as the controversial language on their bottles that claimed certain health benefits ( 1).

Pfizer’s Centrum vitamins are also promoted to be “complete multivitamins”, when in reality, no one supplement or multivitamin will provide all the nutrients your body needs in a single day. It’s fair to say that our food supply isn’t as rich in nutrients as it once was. Therefore, it’s important that you eat lots of plant-based foods and replenish certain minerals (such as magnesium) when possible.


If you’re buying vitamins from a large pharmaceutical company, I wouldn’t trust you. The Centrum nutrients are very low in dosage and do not reach therapeutic levels. Vitamins are also very expensive and are difficult to absorb by the body.

Some vitamins, including Centrum, are made with harmful fillers. These include chemicals that were used to make tin cans, charcoal, and propellants. Centrum contains at most three preservatives and many color additives. There are also various additives that can be carcinogenic or toxic to your health ( 2).

These are the vitamins and minerals that are not well absorbed in centrum:

1. Magnesium oxide is an unchelated magnesium form. It has a low quality and extremely low purity. It is the most absorbable and least expensive form of magnesium.

2. Iron as ferrous fumarate: This type of iron can cause constipation and may be harmful for those who already consume too much iron through a carnivore diet.

3. B vitamins: The concentration of Centrum’s B vitamins is so low, it would have no impact on energy levels (which they claim are promoted).

4. Vitamin E as DL–alpha tocopherol: Synthetic form of vitamin E that is linked to prostate cancer risk and other diseases (3).

5. Nickel Tin Sulfate – Humans don’t need to supplement with nickel and tin so this is an ineffective addition.

6. Calcium Carbonate is the most absorbable form calcium available. Only a tiny percentage of calcium is absorbed into the body.

Additional fillers and bindingers found in Centrum are:

1. Magnesium Stearate: Prevents other ingredients sticking to machine equipment. It forms formaldehyde ( 4), and inhibits cells’ immune response ( 5).

2. Corn Starch: A binder made most likely from GM corn. It has many side effects.

3.BHT is a chemical preservative, which has been linked with liver, thyroid, lung and kidney toxicity and has been proven to promote tumors ( 6).

4. Gelatine: These are made from beef and poultry. They are not suitable for vegetarians or vegans.

5. Soybean Oil: Another GMO product subject to hydrogenation. This process has been linked with cancer, heart disease and other diseases (7).

6. Sodium Benzoate: Deprives cells oxygen, causes cancer and destroys the immune system (8).

7. Sodium Aluminosilicate: Prevents dry foods from clumping together, and also helps to prevent kidney failure and cancer (9).

8. Artificial colors: These coloring agents are derived from coal Tar, and dyes like Yellow 6 Lake that have been banned in some countries.

9. Maltodextrin is a suppressive agent that inhibits the growth and development of good bacteria, which can lead to increased inflammation.

Synthetic vitamins

Synthetic vitamins can be synthetic. These synthetic vitamins are either isolated nutrients or synthetic nutrients that do not function as intended. Because they are synthetic forms of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D and E, which accumulate in fatty tissues, they can become toxic.

These synthetic vitamins should not be used ( 10).

  • Vitamin A: retinyl palmitate
  • Vitamin A1 (Thiamine),Thiamine mononitrate and Thiamine hydrochloride
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Riboflavin
  • Pantothenic Acid:Dcalcium pantothenate
  • Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • B12 vitamin: cyanocobalamin
  • PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid): aminobenzoic acid
  • Folic Acid:Pteroylglutamic Acid
  • Hill:Choline Chloride and Choline Bitartrate
  • Biotin: d-biotin
  • Vitamin C:Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin DIrradiated Ergosterol and Calciferol
  • Vitamin E: dl-alpha tocopherol, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate or succinate


Centrum isn’t the only brand to be avoided when it comes to vitamins. Many other companies also include poor quality and poorly absorbed vitamins and minerals in their products.

These are some other brands to be avoided:

  1. One per day
  2. jamieson
  3. kirkland
  4. Equivalent
  5. go up
  6. Vitamins
  7. spectravite
  8. Made by nature
  9. rexall

Real food and real vitamins

Real, whole foods are the best source of vitamins. Even though the soil is depleted of many nutrients, plants are still the best way to get adequate nutrition. You will see a gradual decline in your health if you only consume processed foods and do not take a multivitamin.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and other nutrients. They are one the richest sources of vitamins, minerals. Broccoli, well ripened leafy greens and seasonal fruits, as well as avocados, Brussels sprouts (carrots), carrots, beets, and other vegetables. There are many more! The amazing health benefits of herbs include their high levels of antioxidants, phytosterols, essential oils, and other nutrients. My favorites include ginger, turmeric, garlic and parsley.

Despite this, I recommend that people still take certain supplements due to poor soil quality or the degrading of certain vitamins and minerals (such as magnesium).

Vitamins & Supplements from Brands I Trust

There are many vitamin and supplement companies that don’t care about your health. They aren’t all bad, however.

Multivitamins can be beneficial, provided they are taken correctly. However, you may also need more specific nutrients. Poor agricultural practices have led to the extraction of magnesium from soil. Magnesium should be supplemented by most people.

Vitamin B12 is another vitamin that is difficult to absorb in those who have had a history of drug abuse, antibiotic abuse and alcohol abuse. This means that only a small percentage of people can absorb vitamin B12 from the food they consume. Yes, even carnivores! It is important to take a high-quality B12 supplement, which contains the correct forms of B12 (methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin). It is surprising that multivitamins often contain cyanocobalamin. This is the most expensive and least well-absorbed form of B12.

These are the key supplements I carry around and use almost every day or every other day. All of them are made by incredible companies I trust and love. They are free of fillers and made with your health in the mind so that every nutrient is absorbed.

Follow these guidelines if you decide to take a multivitamin:

– BUY:100% organic, 100% whole food based, either raw or at a low heat. To ensure vitamin absorption, make sure you include minerals. USP Verified vitamins also include synthetics ( eleven).

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Arthritis and Cannabis: One plant can be used to repair arthritis joints Sun, 08 Jan 2023 05:13:13 +0000 Around 350 millions people in the world suffer from arthritis. This is quite shocking considering that these statistics do not include those who have not been diagnosed.

What can cannabis for arthritis do to treat a condition that most people use pain relievers for? There are many benefits to cannabis for arthritis. First, let’s learn more about arthritis and its implications for people who have it.

What is Arthritis?

Contrary to popular belief arthritis is not one disease. It can be used to refer to joint disease, chronic inflammation, and joint pain. There are more than 100 types of arthritis that anyone can experience, regardless of age, race, or gender.

Back pain is one example of a type of arthritis.
– Bursitis
– Carpal tunnel syndrome
– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
– Fibromyalgia
– Inflammatory bowel Disease
– Lupus
Lyme’s disease
– Pages
– Scleroderma
– Spinal stenosis

Although arthritis is very common, it’s still an extremely misunderstood condition. Its definition literally means “inflammation one or more joints”. I could easily put it on any other disease.

Arthritis symptoms may fluctuate and be either mild, moderate or severe. They may remain the same for years but can progress over time and become more severe. If left untreated, arthritis can lead to irreversible damage and permanent disability.

Arthritis prefers to settle in the weight-bearing joint like the hips and knees, as well as the spine. However, it can also affect other non-weight bearing joints such the fingers.

Cannabis for arthritis

It is no surprise that arthritis is an inflammatory condition, and cannabis can relieve inflammation.

The endocannabinoid (ECS) system is found within each of us. CB1 and CB2 are the main receptors in this system. CB1 receptors can be found in the nervous system, connective tissue, glands, organs, and gonads. CB2 receptors are the dominant ones in our bodies and can be found mainly in the immune system. They are also found in the liver, kidneys and heart.

The body naturally produces endocannabinoids which stimulate and modulate these receptors. Similar to endocannabinoids, cannabis also contains phytocannabinoids such as THC or CBD. These are molecularly and closely related to endocannabinoids. These phytocannabinoids can also interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors and produce a variety of physiological effects.

In a study published in the Rheumatology by Dr. ShengMing Dai from the Second China Military Medical University, CB2 receptors were found in unusually high amounts in arthritis patients’ joint tissues ( 2 ). Researchers concluded that cannabis was key in activating these receptors and thereby decreasing inflammation and pain.

A 2008 review found that CBD could reduce pain in rheumatoidarthritis ( 3) and improve sleep quality without side effects. A 2017 study concluded that CBD may be safe and effective in treating osteoarthritis joint pain ( 4).

Clinical studies on humans have been lacking because cannabis is still illegal in many parts of the United States. This is slowly changing though, as countries like Canada have legalized the medicinal cannabis. More studies are being conducted. We will have to wait or trust our bodies’ reactions when we use cannabis for medical purposes.

Repair damage caused by arthritis in joints using cannabis

Canadian researcher Jason McDougall is a professor of pharmacology at Dalhousie University in Halifax. He conducted a new study to determine if medical cannabis can be used to treat arthritic joint pain and alleviate it. The Arthritis Society of Canada awarded a grant to fund a three-year study that will examine whether cannabis can heal joints by reducing inflammation or simply lowering the pain response in brain.

Janice Yale, president and CEO of The Arthritis Society stated that ( 5):

People suffering from arthritis seek out alternatives to improve their quality life. Research is needed to answer many questions regarding medical cannabis and its use. Our goal is for Canadians to be able to make informed decisions regarding their treatment options. We also want to provide evidence-based guidelines to physicians for making treatment recommendations for patients. This project is an important step in achieving these goals.

mcdougall He told CBC Radio’s Information Morning that he had the following to say when he was asked about the nerves of someone with arthritis:

Nerves look like wires that have had the sheathing removed. They are completely naked and unprotected. We believe that by delivering cannabis-like molecules locally to these nerves, we can actually repair them and reduce the pain associated with arthritis.

McDougall’s research has shown that cannabis molecules can bind nerve receptors to control pain signals in the joint.

A second study, published in the journal Philosophical Transactions and the Royal Society B, found that the body’s Endocannabinoid System releases antioxidants that aid in repair of damaged cells when activated externally by cannabinoids ( 6).

There is enough evidence to believe that cannabis can help arthritis sufferers. Some have even made raw cannabis juice to relieve their arthritis. These are the results. It is inspiring to say the very least.

Making raw cannabis oil for arthritis

McDougall’s initial findings were actually tested under some anecdotal conditions. Wear Katie Marshh, a patient with rheumatoidarthritis who was on prednisone for many years and took antibiotics before she discovered cannabis. Although her doctors advised her to try disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, the side effects were so severe that she decided to consult a specialist in diet cannabis.

Marsh started making raw cannabis juice, and then he talked to the doctor about how to make smoothies from it. Marsh also ate the entire plant raw. He saw immediate results. Within A matter of days, Marsh had stopped using prednisone or pain relievers. Marsh was able to stop taking prednisone and pain relievers after just 11 months of drinking cannabis juice.


THC and CBD are both found in cannabis. However, they differ in that THC can get you “high”, while CBD is not psychoactive and does not get you “high”.

Both CBD and THC have their benefits, but which one is better for arthritis? THC and CBD are both effective in relieving inflammation, but CBD may be preferred by some because it doesn’t have any psychoactive effects.

CBD is especially beneficial for people with autoimmune conditions. It works to improve and enhance the immune system.

CBD is more effective at binding to CB2 receptors. This makes it easier to reduce inflammation in the joints. THC, on the other hand, binds better to CB1 receptors to ease chronic pain. It is also beneficial for anxiety and depression. Indica is a better choice than sativa when you want to calm and relax your body.

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Top 8 Essential Oil Bug Remedies To Prevent Ticks and Mosquitoes Fri, 06 Jan 2023 05:05:01 +0000 It’s easy to feel the urge to spend every day outside as we enter the summer months. However, this can be easily ruined by the bugs we share the outdoors with. There are some essential oil bug sprays available that do not require DEET or other toxic chemicals to repel the insects.

Some of the diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks can be very dangerous if they are caught. Ticks can spread viruses and bacteria depending on their species. This can cause serious health problems if not treated.

Ticks and Disease

Ticks can transmit bacteria, viruses, and microscopic prozoa. When ticks bite an infected animal, such as a rodent, they transmit disease-causing organisms to the tick.

People often come across the American dog tick, also known as the wood tick, and the blacklegged tick, also known as deer tick. The blacklegged tick is the tick that causes the most tick-borne disease ( 1).

Tick-borne diseases include Lyme’s desease
– Erlichiosis
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Powassan virus Disease
– Babesiosis
– Borrelia miyamotoi Death
– Borrelia mayoniiDisease
– tularemia

Most symptoms or signs of tick-borne diseases are visible within a few days or weeks. Even if you do not have symptoms, it is important to visit your doctor immediately after a tick bite. It’s also smart to save the mark for laboratory testing.

How can we avoid these life-threatening diseases while enjoying our outdoor experiences? Most people will resort to using conventional insect repellants containing DEET. However, Avoid being poisoned with this chemical.

DEET has been linked with skin irritation, respiratory effects and rashes as well as neurological effects. In a previous post, I discussed the dangers of DEET. DEET has been linked to death in some cases due to direct skin application.

What can we do instead of using conventional insect repellants Essential oils are a great option!

8 Best Insect Repellents with Essential Oils

Some insects cannot stand essential oils because they contain natural compounds. Not all essential oils are effective against insects. A few oils are effective and each oil has its own unique bugs.

Essential oils’ active ingredients are volatile and may not be effective for long periods of time. I have found that they last about an hour. You will soon notice the errors coming back. It is important to apply again, but it is worth it for your long-term health.

1. Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus)

National Pesticide Information Center states that citronella oils acts as an insect repellant by masking the odors that attract insects. This makes it more difficult for insects to find and attack a body.

Citronella’s effectiveness is enhanced when it is combined with vanillin, the essential component of vanilla. This will increase the time required to reapply (up to 3 hours). (2).

You can purchase citronella right here.

Effective againstMosquitoes, and other flying insects. Use on skin that is not covered.

2. Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia)

The beautiful, scented flower is also effective in repelling insects. It was a wonderful scent that I found in the northern Manitoba area, where the insects are more severe than anything else I have ever seen. It worked surprising well. It was worth the effort. I had to apply it again every 30 minutes to one hour. Lavender essential oil is used to repel moths and protect bedding and clothing from them for centuries. Insect bites can also be controlled by lavender essential oil.

You can purchase lavender here.

Effective against:Mosquitoes. Black flies. Fleas.

3. Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata)

The compound Eugenol in clove buds kills insects upon contact. This makes bugs more likely to avoid your body and clothing if you have the scent. A study showed that clove essential oil was more effective than any other repellents against mosquitoes ( 3). This is in comparison to patchouli, citronella and makaen.

You can purchase clove here.

Effective against:Biting bugs such as houseflies, mosquitoes, and horseflies.

4. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus).

Lemongrass repels insects as well as commercial products. It contains citronelloland geraniol. It is effective against many biting insects. Human subjects are protected from mosquito bites by applying the lemongrass variety Cymbopogon Citratus on their skin for three hours ( 4-).

You can purchase lemongrass right here.

Effective against:Flies, mosquitoes and other biting insects.

5. Lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora)

Lemon eucalyptus oil is a powerful anti-tick and mosquito repellent. This is possible because of its high citronella content (more than 85%). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has listed PMD (paramenthane-3,8-diol), another active ingredient in lemon eucalyptus, as effective against mosquitoes and other insects. Some sunscreens contain the natural compound PMD as an insect repellent.

Lemon eucalyptus can be purchased here.

Effective against:Mosquitoes, ticks but not sandflies and gnats. It can last several hours.

6. Catnip (cataria Nepeta)

The effectiveness of catnip essential oils has been proven to repel mosquitoes better than DEET ( 5). A 2006 study showed that catnip oil was the most effective, outperforming thyme and eucalyptus oils, as well as cinnamon. It offered protection for over six hours at two different levels ( and).

You can purchase catnip right here.

Effective against:Mosquitoes. Ticks. Other flying insects.

7. Virginia cedar wood (Juniperus virginiana)

Cedarwood essential oil is a powerful anti-tick oil. In fact, it killed 100% of the blacklegged ticks in a 2014 study ( 7). Cedar shavings can be used to prevent ticks in gardens and patios. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lists cedarwood ( 8) as an effective method of repelling blacklegged and other arthropods.

You can purchase Virginia cedar lumber right here.

Effective against:Ticks/ants, fleas/lice, cockroaches, mites, and fleas.

8. pink geranium (pink pelargonium)

Rose Geranium essential oil is another effective anti-tick oil. A study that examined over 10 different types of geranium essential oils found them to be effective in repelling ticks ( 9). This great article by the Tisserand Institute cites numerous studies that indicate that geranium oil repels ticks.

You can purchase pink geranium right here.

Effective against:Ticks and mosquitoes.

How essential oils can be used to repel insects

Although I do often apply essential oils to my clothes, I wouldn’t recommend it. My clothes have been stained a few times by essential oils that I applied directly to them. Here are some tips to help you avoid staining your clothes.

1. Use 10 drops of your essential oil to dilute (and add a few more drops of other essential oils if you wish – you can create a powerful combination of the oils by adding them together). Combine four ounces witch hazel and put it in a spray bottle. Spray your skin or clothing with the mixture. Be sure to shake the bottle well before spraying.

2. Combine 10 drops of your primary oil with a few drops of any other essential oils you like in four ounces of jojoba, apricot kernel, liquid coconut oil or another carrier oil. Apply to your skin, then go about your day!

You can extend the effectiveness of essential oils that repel insects by adding vanillin to your homemade remedies.



Summer is a time when we feel the need to be outside. You can use essential oils to repel insects.

Some diseases that are transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes can prove to be extremely dangerous. If not treated, this can lead to serious health problems.

Ticks & Disease

Ticks are capable of transmitting bacteria, viruses and microscopic prozoa.

Many people come across the American dog and wood ticks.

Lyme’s desease are tick-borne diseases.
– Erlichiosis
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Powassan virus
– Babesiosis
– Borrelia miyamotoi Death
– Borrelia MayoniiDisease
– tularemia

The majority of symptoms and signs of tick-borne disease are apparent within days to weeks. Keep the tick mark for laboratory testing.

These life-threatening diseases can be avoided by using insect repellants that contain DEET. This chemical can cause serious side effects.

DEET has been associated with skin irritations, respiratory effects, rashes, and neurological effects. DEET can cause skin contact-related deaths.

What are some alternatives to using insect repellants? The best option is essential oils.

8 Best Repellents for Insects With Essential Oils

Some insects can’t withstand essential oils due to their natural compounds. Only a few oils are efficient and each oil has its unique bugs.

Essential oils are volatile, so they may not work for long. They last for about an hour, according to my experience.

1. Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus)

The National Pesticide Information Center states, “Citronella oils act as an insect repellant by covering the odors which attract insects.”

Combining Citronella with vanillin, an essential component of vanilla, will increase its effectiveness. This will make it more difficult to reapply (more then three hours ). 2)

Citronella can be purchased right here

Effective againstMosquitoes and other flying insects. Can be used on skin that isn’t covered.

2. Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia)

This beautiful, smoky flower repels insects.

Lavender can be purchased here

Effective against:Mosquitoes. Black flies. Fleas.

3. Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata)

Eugenol, a compound found in clove buds, kills mosquitoes upon contact. This compares to patchouli and citronella, as well as makaen.

Purchase clove Here

Effective againstBiting insects such as mosquitoes and houseflies.

4. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus).

Lemongrass is effective in repelling insects. Lemongrass is effective against many biting insects. It can be applied to the skin of human subjects for up to three hours (4-6).

Lemongrass can be purchased right here

Effective against Flies, mosquitoes, and other biting insects.

5. Lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora)

Lemon eucalyptus oil is a powerful anti-tick and mosquito repellent. This is possible because of its high citronella content (more than 85%). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has listed PMD (paramenthane-3,8-diol), another active ingredient in lemon eucalyptus, as effective against mosquitoes and other insects. Some sunscreens contain the natural compound PMD as an insect repellent.

Lemon Eucalyptus is available here

Effective againstMosquitoes and ticks but not sandflies or gnats. Can last for several hours.

6. Catnip (cataria Nepeta)

Effectiveness of catnip essential oil has been shown to repel mosquitoes more effectively than DEET ( 5).

Catnip can be purchased right here

Effective against:Mosquitoes. Ticks. Other flying insects

7. Virginia cedar wood (Juniperus virginiana)

Cedarwood essential oil is extremely effective against ticks. It is extremely effective against ticks.

Purchase Virginia cedar lumber here

Effective againstTicks/ants and fleas/lice.

8. pink geranium (pink pelargonium)

Rose Geranium essential oil can also be used to repel ticks.

You can purchase pink geranium right here.

Effective againstTicks, and mosquitoes.

What essential oils can you use to repel insects

Essential oils are something I use to stain my clothes. These are some ways to avoid staining clothes.

1. Add 10 drops of essential oil to dilute. You can add more if necessary. In a spray bottle, combine the witch hazel with four ounces water. Spray the mixture on your skin and clothing.

2 Mix 10 drops of your primary oil and a few drops from any essential oils you prefer in four ounces jojoba or apricot kernel oil. Use this oil on your skin to get started with your day.

Vanillin can be added to essential oils that repel insects.

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