
The 9 Best Essential Oils for Sleep (Say Goodbye To Insomnia And Sleeplessness).

These calming essential oils can help you to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed. They not only calm your nerves but also act as mild (and natural!) sedation to help you get the rest you need.

You’ve likely experienced it yourself. Insufficient sleep can drastically affect your mood and ability to focus. It can also impact your overall health. An estimated 50-70million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and sleep deprivation. This is a serious problem!

Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, cognitive problems and increased risk of stroke, diabetes, cancer, and other serious illnesses. It also causes an increase in the risk of injury and suppresses your immune system. You will also be more dependent on caffeine-containing beverages and foods, making it more difficult to fall asleep the next night.

The Problem with Sleeping Drugs

People often turn to prescription sleep aids like benzodiazepines to ease their anxiety. Hypnotic drugs, also known as sleeping pills, have been linked to a 35% rise in the incidence of cancer ( 1). This, along with the fact that people who take hypnotics are 4 times more likely to die than those who don’t ( 2), makes natural options a better choice.

Sleeping pills can also be addictive and interact with neurotransmitters such as GABA. One of my neuroscience professors stated that it was dangerous to interfer with brain chemistry (like prescription drugs). And I completely agree.

You are more likely to become addicted, tolerate, or have withdrawal symptoms after several months of taking sleeping pills such as benzodiazepines. This makes quitting sleeping pills (literally and metaphorically) a huge pain in the stomach.

What can essential oils do for you?

The physiology and functions of essential oils can be influenced in many different ways. Essential oils can be used on the skin or inhaled to help insomniacs.

A study by Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that more than 90% of subjects who were treated with aromatherapy for 13 weeks said they would continue using the blend which included bergamot and lavender, sandalwood and frankincense ( 3).

Another study showed that lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Neroli significantly reduced anxiety and improved sleep quality when compared with conventional nursing intervention ( 4).

Other oils like angelica, sweet oranges, lemon, sweet ylang and valerian have been shown to be extremely effective in relieving insomnia ( 5).

Essential oils for sleeping are so effective, some healthcare facilities even incorporate aromatherapy in their practices to ease anxiety and help patients sleep better ( 6 ). It’s a natural remedy with virtually no side effects.

9 best essential oils for sleeping

These essential oils can be used to help you fall asleep in a dreamland. However, they will not work if you are using them for too long or if there is undue stress in the day. If you are serious about changing your sleeping habits, check out my article on the top 10 essential steps I recommend to improve your sleep.

Keep these oils near your bed if you want to get the best out of your sleep.

1. Lavender

Lavender essential oil This scent has been used for centuries to calm and relax. The British University of Southampton studied the sleep patterns of 10 adults over a week. They found that lavender-scented rooms could improve sleep quality up to 20%. This is because lavender increases slow-wave sleep (the deepest stage of sleep where your heart beat slows down and your muscles relax) ( 7).

2. Incense

incense is one of my favourite essential oils. It has been proven to be helpful for anxiety and depression, calms your mind, and aids with sleep. Researchers used frankincense in “aromatics” to treat cancer patients in 2016. The canes were reported to have improved sleep quality by more than 64% ( 8). It’s not surprising that inhaled canes provide relief from insomnia due to their well-studied antidepressant/anti-anxiety properties.

3. Bergamot

Bergamot This anti-anxiety effect on the brain can help you stop worrying that keep your mind racing at night. Bergamot has been shown to reduce anxiety in animals ( 9). This means that it could work just as well as benzodiazepines used as sleeping pills.

4. Roman chamomile

This essential oil is a great choice for those who have heard about the sleep-enhancing benefits of chamomile tea. Roman chamomile It is known for its sedative and relaxing qualities that can be used to treat insomnia. A 2005 study in Biological and Pharmaceutical BulletinChamomile essential oil exhibits hypnotic activity that is similar to that of benzodiazepines ( 10). A case study found that volunteers felt more relaxed and sleepy after inhaling Roman Chamomile essential oil ( eleven ).

5. Valerian

One of the most well-known benefits of valerian oil is the ability to improve sleep quality and help with insomnia. Research has shown valerian can reduce the time it takes for a person to fall asleep. A double-blind study found that 44% of people who had previously been poor at sleeping reported perfect sleep. However, 89% reported better sleep after taking valerian root ( 12 ). Valerian contains a chemical called Linarin that has a sedative effect. It can increase your brain’s GABA levels which, in turn, allows you to sleep better ( 13 ).

6. Juniper Berry

Just the scent of Juniperberries can reduce stress symptoms. This oil has been used for centuries to treat anxiety. A study looked at the diffusion of essential oils such as rose, sandalwood, orris, in a variety of situations. More than 89 percent of insomniacs found that using essential oils at night was able to lower their sleeping pill dosage. Twelve subjects were able completely to stop taking the drug ( 14).

7. Angelica

angelic In Germany, aa is known as the “oil” of angels. This is due to its ability calm anxiety, restore peaceful memories and promote restful sleep. When diffused in the room before bed, it acts as a great sleep aid.

8. Neroli

neroli It is often overlooked when talking about sleep. A study found that neroli has a calming effect when used with lavender and chamomile ( 15). It can also be used to reduce stress levels and blood pressure, which can lead to restful sleep.

9. Sandalwood

Sandalwood essential oil is a calming and comforting oil that can be used to help you get a good night sleep. This oil has been used for centuries to treat anxiety. The sweet, woody and musk-like scent has a relaxing effect on the nervous systems, which means less racing thoughts and better sleep.

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