
A Natural Treatment Plan in 10 Steps for Chronic Lyme Disease Patients

Patients seeking treatment for chronic tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease should seek out the best possible plan to speed up their recovery. The treatment may include a combination of antibiotics and natural medicines, or it can be natural medicines only. The treatment of chronic Lyme disease can include immunotherapies, stem cells, magnet therapies, hyperthermia therapy (fever-induction therapy), essential oils, and energy medicine modalities such as Reiki.

Like any chronic medical condition, treatment will differ based on the individual’s constitution, patient philosophy and ability to bear it. It is crucial to use a holistic holistic approach to minimize any complications, such as flare-ups from treatment that causes increased inflammation (the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction), when trying to recover. In the treatment of tick-borne diseases, these outbreaks are more common than you might think. Because it is often a longer process than expected, it is crucial to provide support for the body, mind, and spirit.

Whatever path is chosen, it is important to have a solid foundation in the treatment plan. This will allow the body to recover from any treatment. This is the Foundational Naturopathic Treatment Plan It’s used by most of my adult and adolescent patients being treated for tickborne diseases with or without antibiotics. Children under twelve years old will receive a simplified treatment plan that is based on their ability to swallow medication, taste sensitivity and age. One constant is that probiotics should be used, regardless of antimicrobial treatment.

Individual needs are considered when making changes to address co-infections like babesiosis and ehrlichiosis. Multiple strains of the above infections can make it difficult to confirm with tests. It is essential to have the tools and knowledge to help you in your healing journey. These suggestions are meant to be a guide, but they cannot replace a Lyme-literate medical professional. These guidelines can be used to help you plan your treatment or to give you a starting point.

A 10 Step Natural Treatment Plan to Treat Chronic Lyme Disease

These are only a few of the many options for treatment. These are the most popular and easiest-to-find products on the market.

1. Probiotics

Take a probiotic supplement that contains 200 to 400 billion colony-forming unit (CFUs) and take it at lunchtime or before bed. You can take it with or without food. It is possible to need to take lower or higher doses depending upon the response of your gastrointestinal tract. You should have regular bowel movements each day, and not show any symptoms. It should have a mixture of bacteria to support the heavily populated Lactobacillusand bifidobacteria, as well as beneficial yeast protective support that crowds out non-beneficial yeast microbes like Candida albicans.

2. Saccharomyces boulardii

This is beneficial yeast that your body has accumulated. If you experience gas/bloating, itchy skin or sugar cravings, uncomfortable vaginal discharge, and/or antibodies to yeast in your lab work, this is the best time to take it.

3. Herbal Antimicrobial Formulations

Your individual needs will determine the best formula. It can be either a single or combination of herbs. You can get it in both liquid and capsule forms. Allicin (garlic), lomatium and berberine compounds are common herbal antimicrobials.

4. Detox Support Formula

This is to aid the liver and gastrointestinal system in removing toxins from the body. A combination of herbs is necessary to maintain healthy liver cells and increase bile flow to eliminate toxins. Bitter herbs (dandelion, burdock root, artichoke), Swedish bitters, and glutathione-enhancing nutrients (cysteine, glutamine, and glycine) will usually be part of the formulation. You can also get detox support in the form bentonite clay, activated charcoal or other medications. However, it is important to keep these separate from any other medications, as they can decrease absorption.

5. Adrenal Support

The kind of support that the adrenal glands require depends on whether they need to be calmed or boosted in order to restore their normal function. The most effective herbs are those that enhance the function. These are best taken in the morning. Most commonly used herbs in formulations are holy basil , ashwaghandha and eleutherococcus , cordyceps, and licorice root.

6. Biofilm-destroying herbs

You can use turmeric or garlic as examples, or proteolytic enzymes like serrapeptase and lumbrokinase. It is best to take the medication on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours before you eat, if not, and daily, even if it must be taken with food. This formula is effective in breaking down biofilm, and it also has antimicrobial properties. This allows your immune system and antimicrobials to work more effectively in treating your infection.

7. Combination of anti-inflammatory herbs

Two capsules daily are recommended. Cytokine production, also known as pro-inflammatory signals (cytokines), is what causes us to feel physical symptoms. Natural remedies can help reduce cytokine levels, which is good for the nervous system, the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Some of the best anti-inflammatory herbs include turmeric, black cumin seed oils, malic acid, bromelain and quercetin.

8. Intestinal protective fibers

Intestinal protective fibers like konjac-glucomannan This natural dietary fiber offers protection to the intestinal lining when used in conjunction with antibiotics. It is more supportive of bifidobacteria types (beneficial bacteria), against the use drugs with penicillin or tetracycline.

9. Herbal antifungals

Herbal antifungals combat yeast overgrowth and other non-beneficial fungal infections in the body. Most formulas, including those that contain gentian violet and pau d’arco, garlic, monolaurin and berberine, require a minimum of two to four capsules daily.


With food, consume between 2,000 and 4,000 total EPA/DHA fatty oils per day. It helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood sugar balance, improve neurocognition, and improve neurocognition. Although EPA/DHA can be found in fish oil, it has high levels of heavy metals. Plant-based versions are just as effective as those made from algae.

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